"Not just averaging, but averaging that have disigned to make high consistently profit and safely".

Portofolio trading adalah seni, profit adalah hasil karya seni. Project “Rational-Forex” bisa disalin transaksinya menggunakan akun CENT dengan modal 1jt Rupiah saja (10,000 USC). Modal lebih besar berpotensi mendapat hasil lebih besar juga!

Project “Rational-Forex” ini didesign menggunakan Teknik/strategi averaging yg sdh diriset aman, nyaman dan konsisten profit. Timeframe yg digunakan h1 dengan pilihan pair yg terbaik dan cocok unt averaging serta sangat mempertimbangkan ketahanan akun yg kuat dan hemat serta akan dijalankan dengan disiplin sesuai trading-plan. Selain hasil profit masih ditambah cashback/rebate mingguan yg lumayan…..!

Jika Anda belum punya akun trading, silahkan buat menggunakan link ini ( https://secure.firewoodfxidn.com/client/register?ib=1330002122 ).

Jika telah memiliki akun trading, silahkan buat akun trading melalui cabinet Anda ( https://secure.firewoodfxidn.com )

Saran dalam setting volume:
* Modal 1jt (10,000 Cent) >> Volume 100%
* Modal 2jt (20,000 Cent) >> Volume 200%
* Modal 3jt (30,000 Cent) >> Volume 300%
* Modal 5jt (50,000 Cent) >> volume 500%
* Modal 10jt (100,000 Cent) >> volume 1000%, dst
Catatan: Klo melakukan setting vol melebihi ketentuan diatas, silahkan, tapi resiko ditanggung sendiri…!!
Leader akan melakukan reset modal setiap akhir bulan atau ketika profit telah mencapai 50%. Mohon disadari bahwa trading beresiko, tentukan modal Anda dengan bijaksana.
Selamat bergabung & terima kasih

MT4 : 1330002122
Contact : https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/1838311381/
Performance fee : 15%

Closed Trade P/L:
USC 11575.84
68794 Pips
USC -8385.42
Net P/L
USC 3190.42
Max Drawdown
Account Age
501 Day(s)
Total Follower

Absolute Gain92%
Total Net Profit USC11576 USC
Total Net Profit Pips68794 Pips
Total Deposit12528 USC
Total Withdraw-9741 USC
Total Trades38456 Trades
Total Volume966.16 Lot
Last recorded Balance14498 USC
Last recorded Equity6112 USC
Profit Factor1.24%
Account Age501 day(s)
Worst Equity Drawdown 25%
Worst Closed Trade DD64%
Avg Profit/Day0.26%
Avg Profit/Month8%
Avg Win (Pips)22 Pips
Avg Win (USC)1.86 USC
Avg Loss (Pips)-185 Pips
Avg Loss (USC)-13.59 USC
Avg Trade (Pips)2 Pips
Avg Trade (USC)0.3 USC
Avg Trade Length1255 Minute(s)
Last 7D Closed Trade315 trade(s)
High risk notice

There is a high level of risk involved with trading leveraged products such as forex and CFDs. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose more than your initial investment. You should not trade unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss.

FirewoodFX does not accept clients from the United States of America.

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